
Auto Gyro-MTOsport 2017

30 m

600 Kg

2 Person

700 Km

180 Km


مشخصات فنی

حداکثر سرعت پروازی 105 ktas (195 km/h)
حداکثر سرعت پروازی با 75% موتور 78-86 ktas (145-160 km/h)
حداکثر مسافت پروازی 377 nm (700 km)
مسافت مورد نیاز جهت برخواستن 328 ft | 229 ft (100m | 70 m)
مسافت خزش روی باند جهت برخواستن 98 ft (30 m)
مسافت خزش روی باند جهت فرود
ارتفاع پروازی – ft (- m)
حداکثر سرعت اوج گیری fpm
حداکثر سرعت منع شده پروازی (Vne) kias (- km/h)
سرعت واماندگی در حالت فلپ باز kcas (- km/h)
مدت زمان پروازی 6,7 h | 6 h

مشخصات فنی موتور

شرکت سازنده Rotax
مدل موتور Rotax 912 ULS  | 915 IS
قدرت خروجی موتور 100-115 hp
سازنده ملخ Auto Gyro

مشخصات وزنوزن

وزن خالص هواپیما 540-650 lb (245-295 kg)
حداکثر وزن هنگام برخواستن 992-1322 lb (450-600 kg)
حجم سوخت قابل استفاده 24.8 gal (94 l)
حداکثر بار مفید

اندازه و ابعاد

طول 16.7 ft (5.1 m)
ارتفاع 8.8 ft (2.7 m)
عرض 6.2 ft (1.9 m)
مساحت بال

اندازه و مشخصات کابین

عرض – ft (- cm)
تعداد سرنشین 2

مشخصات قسمت بار

وزن lb (- kg)
فضای قسمت بار



Maximum Cruise Speed 105 ktas (195 km/h)
Maximum Cruise Speed 75% Power 78-86 ktas (145-160 km/h)
Maximum Range 377 nm (700 km)
Takeoff Distance 328 ft | 229 ft (100m | 70 m)
Takeoff Roll 98 ft (30 m)
Landing Roll
Service Ceiling – ft (- m)
Maximum Climb Rate – fpm
Maximum Limit Speed (Vne) – kias (- km/h)
Stall Speed with Flaps – kcas (- km/h)
Endurance 6,7 h | 6 h


Manufacturer Rotax
Model Rotax 912 ULS  | 915 IS
Power Output 100-115 hp
Propeller Manufacturer Auto Gyro


Empty Weight 540-650 lb (245-295 kg)
Maximum Takeoff Weight 992-1322 lb (450-600 kg)
Usable Fuel Volume 24.8 gal (94 l)
Useful Load


Length 16.7 ft (5.1 m)
Height 8.8 ft (2.7 m)
Width 6.2 ft (1.9 m)
Wing Area


Width – ft (- cm)
Maximum Occupants 2


Weight lb (- kg)

PD2018 BoB RGB
The MTOsport has for many years embodied that feeling of boundless freedom and incomparable excitement. Perfectly evolved and developed, the entire aircraft is new from the ground up. The MTOsport Model 2017, bringing together innovation and excellence in design, making it stand out from the crowd like no other. The new MTOsport Model 2017 resets the benchmark and raises standards to a new level. It truly is the perfect combination of design, comfort and functionality whilst maintaining its extraordinary individuality and outstanding flight characteristics.

PD2018 BoB RGBOne year after its launch, in April 2018, the MTOsport 2017 is awarded for its “ground-breaking design” with the top distinction, the Red Dot: Best of the Best. More than 6,300 objects from manufactures from 59 countries subbitted the competition and only 1% of the entries received this distinction. “Winning the Red Dot: Best of the Best is the well-earned recognition for excellent design performance. The awarded products are all characterised by an innovative symbiosis of aesthetics and function. The fact that such a small number of entries received the top distinction is proof of the rigorous nature of the judging criteria applied in the competition. I want to congratulate the laureates very sincerely on their success”, said Professor Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of the Red Dot Award.

We are proud, happy and honored about this testament to our work.